wenatchee police headquarters
City of Wenatchee
The City of Wenatchee recognized the need for updates throughout the existing police department, resulting in the public passing a bond to construct a new police headquarters facility. After extensive planning with the police department and other City departments, a functional, efficient program was developed that strengthened the relationships and fluidity between each division of the Wenatchee Police Department.

A major challenge for this project was fitting a large (39,000 SF) building on a compact (24,000 SF) downtown lot with a significant slope from front to rear. In addition, the program called for an open inviting feeling, while remaining secure. The surrounding neighborhood consists of historic buildings, on both the Wenatchee and National Registers of Historic Places. Pacific Engineering provided complete structural engineering services. The resulting building is a three-story masonry and steel building with parking located both in the building and at an adjacent parking lot.
The program consists of a new police facility with records department, administration, secure evidence storage, patrol, detective and neighborhood outreach departments, locker rooms and exercise area, sally ports, evidence processing areas, and an emergency management center. The RiverComm E-911 Center consists of a large dispatch area, offices and support areas. A portion of the budget was used to incorporate public art throughout the building and onsite.